Farm is the liquidity mining function of SharDex.

Users can add liquidity of a specific trading pair in SharDex and stake the Liquidity Provider Tokens (that is, LP Tokens) in the Farm to obtain SDT mining rewards.

You're going to need some β€˜LP Tokens’ to enter into a Farm with. Farms can only accept their own exact LP Token; for example, the SDT-USDT farm will only accept SDT-USDT LP Tokens.

To get the exact LP Token, you will need to provide liquidity for that trading pair. So to get SDT-USDT LP Tokens, you will first have to provide liquidity for the SDT-USDT pair.

It may sound intimidating, but it's easy to operate. Let's go through step by step.

Step 1

Connect wallet and then find your farm.Take SDT-USDT as an example

Click [Get SDT/USDT LP] to add liquidity

Step 2

Choose SDT and USDT and Enter a specific amount to add liquidity.

Step 3

Click [Approve SDT]-[Approve USDT]-[Supply]. If it is displayed as follows, it means that the addition is successful

Step 4

Back to farm page, Click [Stake LP] to stake your SDT-USDT LP.


  • Find the farm you have LP Tokens in, and click the row to view details. You will see a - and + button. Click - to remove LP Tokens, or + to add more LP Tokens.

  • Farming will bring you SDT rewards over time. You can collect these rewards and use them to get more LP Tokens, stake them in Pools or anything else you'd like.

  • How often you harvest your rewards is up to you, but it does help to remember that there is a small fee involved in harvesting.

    You can see this fee in your wallet when confirming after clicking Harvest.

Last updated